Friday, May 21, 2010

Pay attention to the feet!

Got up and made it to Masters swim today, yay me! We had to do a bunch of pull sets....uggg I need a better pull! My swimming would be so much faster if I could just use fins all the time :) Bizarre thing today was that every time I pushed of the wall today, the ball of my foot hurt. I didn't think much of it and just kept swimming.

All day I was bit uncomfortable when I walked on it, but for some reason never thought to look at what might be causing the pain. Maybe it's because I've become used to a few random pains while training for Ironman and just push it from my mind.

Later on this evening I'm sitting on the floor and for some reason I remember the pain, so I take a look at my foot.....turns out I have a huge slice in the ball of my foot! From all of the sweat and multiple daily showers my feet have gotten so dry that they are cracked!! Guess it's time to double-up on moisturizer for my feet. They are a total mess. This pic was taken post-moisturizing! Note the pretty callus on the pinky-toe, lovely.

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