Monday, April 19, 2010

It's been a crazy few weeks, but I have been getting some trainig in, just have been lax about logging it here. I will pick up the slack on that :)

This weekend I was able to get some solid training in. On Saturday I did a 3.5 hour bike ride on "Sparty", my beautiful Guru tri-bike! A bit too much wind for my liking but it's hard to avoid it living in the Bay area. I did a bunch of climbing....nothing like taking a bike to climb a mountain :)

Yesterday I did a trail run. AMAZING day!! It was warm, the sun was shining and the sky was clear. One of those days where I could not imagine living anywhere else. Did more climbing and wow are my quads "thanking" me for that today. Ugg, it look like I need to make another date with my foam-roller, but it was so worth it!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No rain this morning, YAY!!! Went out for a 6 mile run this morning. I love running in the dark before everyone is up. Amazing solitude and I dont have to worry about anyone running me over on a bicycle or anyone pushing a stroller in front of me like I do on the weekends.

Saw dawn breaking just over the bridge.....wish I had my camera to take a picture of it.

Along my run today I phase came to mind...I dont remember if I heard it in a movie or read it somewhere, but it was "if you are not part of the solutiuon, you are part of the problem."

Ahhhh spring is in the air!